Measurements occur during an observation session where activity in the target address space is sampled at a frequency and for a specific duration by the requester.

Each observation results in data being recorded, which describes an observed system state, such as ”CPU executing”, and are aggregated and attributed to system objects such as ”load module.”

By mapping observed system states to system objects, the performance analysis reports provide a meaningful picture of how resources are consumed. These reports express most quantified data as percentages and readily pinpoint slow or improperly running programs.

FreezeFrame Key Features

  • FreezeFrame offers new innovative design features that solve many of the intrinsic problems in application performance management.
  • FreezeFrame uses an innovative ISPF ”drill down” process that makes reporting clear and easy to read. Only as much detail as is needed to research each report is displayed. Users can ”drill down” for more complex details as required.
  • FreezeFrame accommodates short sampling times, as small as one second. By mapping observed system states to system objects, analysis reports provide a meaningful picture of how resources are consumed.
  • During an observation session, FreezeFrame’s non-intrusive Stealth Sampling Technology provides accurate snapshots of system activity in the target address space without slowing it down. The measurement engine never schedules I/O or any other task in the profiled address space, and results in minimal impact during sampling.
  • FreezeFrame has the capability to use its Distributed Data Facility to monitor the impact of remote SQL requests on system resources and to produce a range of DB2 measurement reports.
  • At the end of the observation period, FreezeFrame performs an analysis of the observation records to generate reports that highlight where and how resources are spent during program execution, and where the program is waiting on other processes.
  • FreezeFrame reports on all OS supervisor calls, not just a subset.
  • FreezeFrame is able to report on activity while the local lock is held.

FreezeFrame provides two types of performance analysis reports: 

  • Active ISPF performance analysis reports. These reports are implemented using proprietary controls such as drill down and zoom in/out.
  • Static performance analysis reports. These are printed reports. Reports can be requested from ISPF reporting platform or can be produced in batch. An advanced reporting capability is offered on the PC platform in Portable Document Format (PDF).

More on Mainframe Application Performance Management