Enables an organization to capture and monitor operational data from the entire output production and distribution process.

This data can be used for the purposes of department cross-charging, customer billing, analysis, forecasting and/or optimization decisions on printer fleets. It can determine who has printed what, when, how and where, helping organizations to control their costs by making them visible.

Once this information becomes transparent, a greater understanding of load and cost can be attained. Data can be analyzed and used for forecasts; for example, how a print infrastructure might be optimized, or how further savings might be realized.
– Provides ongoing cost accounting of any output job within distributed print environments
– Key solution building block for a complete office printing solution and ongoing printer fleet optimization (by optimizing the printer fleet, print costs can be reduced by up to 30%)
– Provides a unique source of operational data from the entire output production and distribution process for purposes of billing, analysis, forecasting and optimization
– Reports can be generated against extracts of data using preferred data analysis and data mining applications