2013 ctrace

CleverView for cTrace Analysis allows users to remotely generate traces and automate the trace generation using scheduling with interval recording functions across multiple systems.

Other locally or network generated traces can be migrated into CleverView for cTrace Analysis for in depth analysis.  The expert functions enhance diagnostic efforts and accelerates virtualization, cloud, mobile, application and IPv6 deployment.

The new support for mobile devices enables IT to meet dynamic anywhere-anytime business demand with reduced costs and improved IT service deliveries. It is designed to help users make virtualization and cloud projects a success by resolving problems more quickly, with expanded remote tracing, extending the expert analysis of network traffic for multi-architecture environments*, including z/OS®, Linux, Linux on System z® z/VM®, z/VSE®, AIX, OSA Express and Windows®.

CleverView for cTrace Analysis supports z/OS packet trace, OSAENTA trace, Linux on System z, Linux, AIX, z/VM, z/VSE, Windows, Android, PCAP trace, and Sniffer trace

New features in CleverView for cTrace Analysis v7.2 also include the following:

  • IPv6 Readiness Testing – additional functions extend IPv6 tunneling decoding and new IPv6 and ICMPv6 filters in QueryBuilder allow.
  • Windows Tracing enhancements – support for windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.
  • Viewing Enhancements – split screen display of packet summary and packet details along with new summary reports including displays per IP addresses and detailed protocol reports.
  • NetBIOS decoding – full decoding of the NetBIOS Name Service packets.

More on CleverView for cTrace Analysis, click here!


2013 ctace DATA_Trace_summary